Crítica: Suspiria (2018)

The story so far: After arriving at a pretigious ballet academy Susie is drag into a world of chaos following the death and desappearing of ballerinas. Sinopse Após sua entrada em uma academia de ballet de imenso prestígio; Susan acaba sendo arrastada para um mundo de caos quando outras bailarinas começam a morrer ou sumir….

Crítica: Holmes e Watson (Holmes & Watson 2018)

The story so far: Sherlock Holmes, England’s famous detective and Dr John H. Watson, his sidekick are morons but they manage to solve conundrums and put mysteries to rest. So now, they are leading an investigation that can prevent the murder of the Queen. Sinopse Sherlock Holmes é o detetive mais famoso da Inglaterra. Ele…

Um Banho de Vida (Le Grand Bain-Sink or Swin)

The story so far: A bunch of middle age men find in synconized swimming lessons a reason to scape their dull lifes. Sinopse O treino de nado sincronizado masculino reúne um grupo inusitado de homens de meia idade sob os cuidados da ex-campeã da categoria feminina, Delphine . Crítica Le Grand Bain (2018) é o…

Capitã Marvel (Captain Marvel 2019)

The story so far: Vers is a member of an elite warrior team from the Kree empire that keeps Hala, the capital, and other planets safe from invaders. Vers’s past is shrouded in mysteries and while solving a life long secret, she becomes the most powerful player in war between the Kree and the Earth…