Crítica: Os Guardiões (Guardians\ Zashchitnik 2017)

The story so far: During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union develop a super soldier program, altering humans to grant super powers and longevity. At some point, one of the scientists fled the program stealing vital information and equipment. After some sixty plus years, this mad scientist reapears with some unique powers. In order…

Crítica:What Happaned to Monday? (NetFlix 2017 – Onde esta segunda?)

The story so far: Right now, the humam race is depleting earth’s resources. We already suffer from pollutian in a global scale, there is not enough food for our ever growing population and war rages on. In order to prevent extintion a few politicians harbingers a new era of humam procreation: the only child law….

Trailer: Little evil

Probably based on a true story….my kid’s story…..i’m serious…..send help

Critica: A Torre Negra (Dark Tower-2017)

The story so far: Jake is being hauted by dark nightmares for about an year. Every adult around him, including his mother, thinks is related to his father tragic death; some sort os post traumatic disorder. Jake channels his dreams and turn the experience into somber drawings, somehow this helps him, giving a focus and…

Crítica: Goon 2- The last of the enforcers!

The story so far: A few years after the events from the first movie, the Halifax Higlanders are in for the season of theirs lifes. Every major sponsor is looking for a team to support; so is all about winning since a lockdown is blocking the games from the NHL. Doug is now captain of…

Jerry Lewis – dead at age 91

Jerry Lewis, we will miss you. Here in Brasil, during the 80’s, one of the most popular tv channels used to air all the lewis movies dunring the sundays afternoons. I grew up laughing thanks to this guy. One hell of an actor and a great human being. His work at Teleton was a great…

Crítica: Annabelle 2-a criação do mal (Annabelle – Creation)

The story so far: A lovely couple suffers a devastating blow that changes their lifes. A few years after, in seacrh of redeption, they, turn their house into a catholic foster home; only to discover that evil…. never rests. Sinopse. Após um terrível acidente que mudou profundamente a vida deles, os Mullins resolvem transformar sua…