A Baleia (The Whale 2023)

The Story so far: After a few rough years, Charlie let himself go, lost almost all meaningfull and emotional conncetions, rellying only in a close friend and the kindness of strangers; to endure one more day. But everything chances when sunddely there is a possibilitty of repear a mistake with someone importante. Sinopse: Ainda sem…

Homem-Formiga e a Vespa: Quantumania (2023)

The Story so far: Scott Lang is living a good life along side Hope (AKA The Wasp) and his daughter Cassie. Hank and Janet Pym also have a big part in Scott’s family as former heroes and scientists. Years have passed since they faced Thanos and survied. But now, they face a enemy powerful enough…

Batem à porta (Knock at the Cabin 2023)

The Story so far: While enjoying a nice vaccation, a family is targeted by a group of strangers carrying weapons and demanding that they make a gruesome choice! Sinopse: Uma família de férias se torna refém de estranhos armados; que exigem que ela se comprometam em fazer uma escolha terrível. Crítica: Batem à Porta é…