Crítica: Wonder Woman (2017)

The story so far: Wonder Woman will save the Dc movie universe. It will make all the money in the world and will lead this type of movie in a new direction. It follows the Dc-Zack Snyder visual style and narrative: with long and meaninful dialogs (a hand over played in this movies) that causes…

Crítica: I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore (netflix 2017)

The story so far: If your life sucks and you are facing an uphill battle with you back against the wall you are walking on Ruth’s shoes; drepressed fourtie-something woman. with no friends and a lover or a meaninfull live. Now she is desperate because a rober just stole a few good things from her home…

How the soundtrack can make or brake a movie.

The soundtrack of a movie can tottaly ruin a scene if is just a little of. It does not matter if is just soundbites or a song. If it is out of touch with the movie theme or is to much mainstream or indie as hell it will just brake a take. In this case,…

Press screen- Wonder Woman

Filmose Will attend the Wonder Woman press screening. Most likely i’ll be under a tag contract so i wont be able to tell anything until the release date. But i’ll give you an emoji signal. Filme foi convidado para a apresentação para imprensa do filme Mulher Maravilha. Provavelmente não poderei comentar nada devido a uma…