Streaming round up

Streaming round up. Hello fellow follower! Streaming round up is just a very straight foward approach for some of the most watched series. It will be a bite size honest critique (and yes I’m a psychologist with a minor in cinema so…yes I’m an actual movie critic in Brazil). So relax or chill and watch something…

Streaming round up (2023/2024)

Streaming round up. Hello fellow follower! Streaming round up is just a very straight foward approach for some of the most watched series. It will be a bite size honest critique (and yes I’m a psychologist with a minor in cinema so…yes I’m an actual movie critic in Brazil). So relax or chill and watch something…

Netflix Round up!

What about Netflix Round up? Hello fellow follower! Netflix Roundup is my new take on the most popular streaming plataforms around. Is just a very straight foward approach for some of the most watched series and movies. It will be a bite size honest critique (and yes I’m a psychologist with a minor in cinema so…yes…

Melhores filmes de 2023 PT2(Best Movies of 2023 PT2)

Ação/Action: 1-John Wick 4: The Story so far: After the events of Parabellum, John finds himself licking his wounds under the watchful eyes of the Bowery King. Hunted by every assassin under the sun, John needs to kill everyone in order to be free again. The only problem is that the Table as granted unlimited power…

Melhores filmes de 2023 Pt1 (Best movies of 2023 PT1)

Drama: 1- A Baleia (The Whale): The Story so far: After a few rough years, Charlie let himself go, lost almost all meaningfull and emotional conncetions, rellying only in a close friend and the kindness of strangers; to endure one more day. But everything chances when sunddely there is a possibilitty of repear a mistake…

Grandes filmes que todos deveriam ver (Great movies you should watch) V.2

The story so far: During the 60’s a group of carefree, peace-loving anti-war friends embraces the hippie culture. They welcome a newcomer whom quickly adopts all the tenents of his new group. The only problem? He was drafted… Sinopse: Durante os anos 60, um grupo despreocupado, amantes da paz e e antiguerra. adotam a cultura…

Filmes para o Mês da Consciência Negra 2023 (Black History Month – Brasil 2023)

Crítica: Besouro (The Assailant Brasil 2009) conta a história de Besouro Mangangá ( interpretado por Aílton Carmo), um famoso capoeirista baiano, que em 1920, ainda lutava contra as injustiças sociais e a opressão da cultura e do povo afro-brasileiro, mesmo após a lei Aurea, continuava sendo marginalizado. A via de Besouro, nascido Manuel Henrique Pereira (o…

Filmes para entender o atual conflito na Palestina

Crítica: Golda (Helen Mirren) foca intensivamente no período da Guerra do Yom Kippur e tenta humanizar a figura da primeira ministra de Israel, conhecida como A senhora de Aço por adversário e admiradores. O filme conta, partindo da perspectiva israelense, os motivos para a dominação e controle das colinas de Golan pelo estado judaico. Os…

Doctor Strange – no multiverso da loucura

The story so far: After the events of Spider-Man-no way home, Doctor Strange was living an ordinary life. The world is no longer in danger and there is no major treat to our lives…at least in the perceived reality. The peace and tranquillity we enjoy is about to suffer a major blow dealt by whom…