Freaklândia (Freaked)

1993 ‧ Comédia/Terror ‧ 1h 26m The movie is avaiable here The Story so far: An actor made a bad decision to be a spokesperson to a evil firm. Sinopse: Um ator famoso decide se tornar porta-voz de uma empresa maligna e acaba em uma situação inusitada. Crítica: Freaklândia/Freaked é um filme simples, divertido, por…

Os Espíritos (The Frighteners)

1996 ‧ Terror/Comédia ‧ 1h 50m The Story so far: Generations after Caeser, the, fisrt elder; humans are a rare sight and the apes lives in harmony with nature, within their clans, up until now. Sinopse: Gerações após Caesar o primeiro ancião, os humanos parecem extintos e os macacos vivem em harmonia com a natureza,…

O Dublê (The Fall guy 2024)

The Story so far: A famous actor is missing from set and his, down on it’s luck, stuntman is trying to figure out how to find him in order to help a friend. Sinopse: Um famoso ator esta sumido do set, mas o antigo dublê dele esta tentando encontra-lo, para tentar salvar o primeiro filme…

Contra o Mundo (Boy Kills World 2023)

The Story so far: The boy trained his whole life to take down the Van Der Koy family and free the people from a tyrannical state. Sinopse: O garoto treinou a vida inteira para derrotar o estado tirânico estabelecido pela família Van Der Koy . Crítica: Contra o mundo/Boy Kills World é um filme cansativo,…

Ghostbusters: Apocalipse de Gelo (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 2024)

The Story so far: The world faces an enemy so powerful that requires the Ghostbusters, old and new, to join forces as a team. Sinopse: Uma criatura de imenso poder ameaça o planeta. Os Caça fantasmas, novos e antigos, precisam se unir para evitar um desastre global. Crítica: GhostBusters: apocalipse de gelo/ Ghostbusters: frozen empire…

Garotas em Fuga (Drive-Away Dolls 2024)

The Story so far: Marian needs a change so she is planning a trip but made a grave mistake by letting Jamie tag along and now they have to survive a conspiracy and the patriarchy. Sinopse: Marian precisa urgentemente mudar de vida e para isso planeja uma viagem; contudo ela comete um erro craso ao…

Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024)

The Story so far: Some time ago, a funny, kind hearted Panda named Po turn out to be The Dragon. Now, the legacy of The Dragon must flow to another and Po must find a new role…but not until he kick some new villain’s butt. Sinopse: A alguns anos atrás, um adorável panda chamado Po…

Isto é Spinal Tap (This is Spinal Tap 1984)

The Story so far: Spinal Tap is back on a tour and they will be playing in th U.S so filmaker and diehard fan Marty DiBergi is ready to follow the band and witness first handed, what is rock and roll. Sinopse: Spinal Tap esta pronto para uma nova turnê e desta fez eles irão…

Office Uprising (2018)

The Story so far: Just another day in the office: the boss is a prick, guys on marketing keeps thinking highly of themselves and RH are a buch of backstabbbers…Oh and everybody wants to kill you. Sinopse: É somente um dia comum no escritório: o chefe esta sendo um babaca, o pessoal do marketing continua…

Good Boys (2019)

The Story so far: The first kiss party is memorable…unless you don’t know how to kiss. This is the story of three boys trying to learn how to kiss while dealing drugs, sipping beers and lying…all while ditching school! Sinopse: A primeira festa do beijo é inesquecível, a menos que ninguém saiba beijar. Essa é…

Totally Killer (2023/2024)

The Story so far: The “Sweet Sixteen Killer” returns 35 years after his first murder and the only way to stop him is to create a time machine, go back in time and just get shocked about the 80’s and how we could get away with a lot of things. Sinopse: O “assassino dos 16…

Lisa Frankenstein (2024)

The Story so far: Lisa is dealing with a lot of stuff; the tragic loss of her mother, highscool,a new family, a crazy stepmother and some other major things for a teen girl. But everything changes when she stars assembling a boyfriend from scratch. Sinopse: Lisa está lidando com uma série de problemas; o assassinato…